Professional Speaking
Engaging and motivating audiences from 10 to 10,000+
As a seasoned professional speaker, Susan Steinbrecher engages audiences with her 30+ years of knowledge and hands-on experience in the areas of leadership, management, and workplace development.
Ideal for:
- Keynote presentations
- Breakout sessions
- Seminars
- Business workshops
- Personal growth workshops
Incredibly intuitive and infectiously optimistic, Susan successfully blends relevant, high-energy content with a keen understanding of each client’s needs in her speaking engagements.
Her compelling story-telling and personable approach empowers people to change behaviors that thwart their success while providing the necessary tools to support the journey. Susan has a natural ability to communicate a message in such a way that it not only resonates with each audience member, but also prompts a call to action to all that is undeniably inspirational and revitalizing.
Most recently, Susan delivered the keynote address for a corporate conference of over 10,000 hospitality professionals on the topic of Heart-Centered Leadership.
Top Speaking Topics
For keynote presentations and workshops, the following topics can be tailored to your needs. Please contact us to discuss more options!

Authentic, emotionally intelligent leadership.
- Seven principles and virtues of Heart-Centered Leadership.
- Authentic communication skills that foster healthy relationships.
- Techniques to emotionally engage employees at their highest levels.
- Cultivating a workplace that attracts—and keeps—the best and the brightest.
- Facilitating less stress and more time for self.

Manage emotions. Resolve conflict. Improve relationships.
- Six steps and emotional management techniques of Meaningful Alignment.
- Emotional motivators and dialogue styles we tend to use, particularly when the stakes are high.
- Emotional self-regulation and methods to achieve it.
- Techniques that build emotional resiliency.

Your Topic. Our Experience and Insight.
Let us work with you on a topic targeted to your audience. Topic themes might span areas of:
- Leadership
- Management
- Workplace development